Pelvic Health Business Resources
Far too many business owners struggle for years learning by trial and error. It stalls growth and leaves you overworked, underpaid, scared, frustrated, lonely or burned out. We've been there!
We've created resources specifically for cash-based pelvic health practices to eliminate the wasted time and guesswork. Fill your schedule, find financial freedom, treat patients the way they deserve and actually enjoy the work by building a business that works for you!
We have resources for every stage of your business. Whether you're a 'wannabe' trying to get the doors open, a growing business trying to fill the calendar and scale, or an established owner wanting to create the business of your dreams, we've got your back! We've helped 300+ pelvic health business start, grow and scale - you don't have to go it alone!
Not sure where to start? Check out the resources below and fill out the Pelvic PT Business Application to let us know more about you and we'll let you know what would be the best fit!
Proven business resources, no matter where you are in your business journey!
We've helped 400+ pelvic health practices start, grow and scale.
Pelvic PT Rising Programs
Where Should I Start?
1. If you're still a 'wannabe' and planning to open your doors, start with Business Kickstart. It's the step-by-step guide to establish your business and go from pelvic therapist to entrepreneur.
2. If you're already seeing patients, the Pelvic Business Accelerator program is for you. The six-month intensive coaching program to fill your schedule, streamline with business systems and achieve clinical excellence.
3. If you've graduated from the Accelerator Program and want ongoing 1:1 mentorship with the Rising Coaching Team, you're ready for the Rising Mentorship Program.
"Their mentorship is literally the best money I have spent since starting a business."
-Kari Craig
Rising Program
Helped 400+ pelvic health practices start, grow and scale
Founded PelvicSanity, one of the largest cash-based pelvic health practices in the country
Authored the IC Solution
Run the Pelvic PT Rising Podcast
Creators of the Pelvic PT Huddle and Pelvic PT/OT Entrepreneurs Group
Co-Founded PelviCon, the first conference by and for pelvic rehab
Online clinical courses for practitioners and patients
Helped 300+ pelvic health practices grow and succeed
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need business coaching?​
Honestly, no one 'needs' business coaching. With enough time, effort and resources you can absolutely build a business. After all, that's what we had to do!
Coaching expedites the process. Saves time and energy. And hopefully makes the entire process more enjoyable.
So when you're considering business resources our coaching, the question to ask is about the ROI (return on investment). Will I get more out of this program than the investment I make? How many new patients would I need to see in order to pay for it?
Investing in yourself (especially the first time) is hard! Who you choose matters. Make sure you resonate with the program and have seen others get the results you're looking for!
What makes our business resources different?
There's a few things that set us apart. All our resources are created specifically for cash-based pelvic health practices. Advice for other specialties or professions can be helpful, but I think we all realize pelvic health is just different from treating sprained ankles or total knee replacements.
We've not only used our techniques ourselves - building PelvicSanity into one of the largest cash-based clinics in the country - but helped 400+ others start, grow and scale. You won't get 'well, this is how we did it, so you should do it too' in our programs. We want you to build your own unique, authentic business.
We also believe we can't just ignore the clinical side of the practice. If the goal is to treat according to your Clinical Ethos, we need to be getting buy-in from our patients to get the results they deserve and make sure they're sending us their friends and family!
Why help other practitioners build their practice?
We believe when more practitioners have their own practice, treat according to their Ethos and raise awareness in local communities...patients win.​
Our goal has always been to change the way pelvic health is practiced, and by empowering more business owners we can all rise together.
Can a Cash-Based practice really work in my city/town/region?
In short, yes! We've worked with 400+ businesses across the country. Rural or urban, with lots of competition or just you - you can absolutely build a thriving practice and treat the way you believe patients deserve.